A Protection from Abuse (PFA) Order will carry long term consequences. Our attorneys regularly handle representing both victims of abuse and respondents to a Protection from Abuse Complaint. In some cases, we also represent the children affected by abuse. Whether you are seeking to protect yourself or believe that a Protection from Abuse action was wrongfully filed against you, our attorneys will advocate on your behalf and seek to protect your immediate and future interests.
If domestic violence is alleged and a PFA complaint is filed, a hearing on the PFA matter is sometimes the first contact the parties have with the family court system. The request for a PFA Order often comes in the midst of marital strife or a contested divorce. A Temporary Order may be entered the day the complaint is filed, requiring the respondent to vacate the home immediately, without a hearing or the chance to present their case. A hearing will then be held on the merits of the allegation, typically within a week. Because a PFA can have a significant impact on the possession of a jointly occupied residence, custody of minor children, support and even your employment, it is imperative to have representation at that hearing regardless of whether you are the plaintiff or defendant. There are a number of ways to resolve a PFA request short of a final hearing which your attorney can advise you about. There are also ways to expunge the Temporary Order from your record so that it will not appear in certain background checks.
Domestic violence and abuse situations can be dangerously volatile. You need to act quickly to protect yourself and your family from harm from an abusive family member or from a fabricated claim of abuse. You have the right under Pennsylvania law to quickly get protection - or defend your rights and interests. Our family law attorneys provide targeted advice and aggressive representation in regard to all Protection from Abuse matters.